
Are you ready for the next steps?

Governor Newsome vetoed the CA Environmental, Public Health, and Workers Defense Act, which makes current federal clean air, climate, clean water, worker safety, and endangered species standards enforceable under state law, even if the federal government rolls back and weakens those standards. What the heck Gov? This law would not have imposed any new restrictions, just kept the existing ones in place. It was a sell out to big money interests looking to take advantage of federal rollbacks. So, we need to keep our eyes open and keep pushing back, even in progressive California. Stay tuned mighty climate team…


We will focus on What’s Next at our October 16 350 Sonoma, at the Peace and Justice Center at 7pm. 350 Sonoma collaborated with a number of local youth, environmental and political organizations to support our Climate Strike and Rally. A thrill went through the crowd assembled at Courthouse Square as the march arrived and poured into the space. The energy was electric. How do we sustain and support this energy in the months ahead? What do we do next? How can we best support the young generation that is taking the lead and calling for action to address the climate crisis? Join us in this conversation! We are inviting Christine Byrne, founder of our local Sunrise Movement group, to join us. As usual, we will have an up-to-date To Do List and a number of brief reports.

Dates to Save

Please join us on Wednesday, October 23rd, 6:30 to 8pm at the Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Sebastopol Ave, for a meeting to discuss strategy for defeating the proposed gas station at Llano Rd./Hwy 12 as well as plans to stop any new gas stations from being built in Sonoma County. Register HEREFacebook Event Page
Join Save Petaluma to Keep Fighting the Safeway Station Save Petaluma is a group of community members strongly opposed to Safeway’s proposed 16-pump gas station across the street from a pre-school and an elementary school. Attend the Save Petaluma vs City of Petaluma (Safeway) Court appearance, Oct. 9th, 3pm: Where: Department 17: Judge Wicks, Empire College Court Annex (Courtrooms 16-17), 3035 Cleveland Avenue, Suite 200 in Santa Rosa.Save Petaluma has requested a stay, or a temporary restraining order, to prevent Safeway from starting demolition until the case is resolved. Save Petaluma’s attorney, Patrick Soluri, says he “cannot overstate the importance of having the courtroom full on Oct. 9” to demonstrate robust community opposition to this gas station. Bring your friends! Casual, professional attire please; no red t-shirts; no signs or protests.

Parenting through the Climate Crisis, Oct 20 FREE workshop from author Mary DeMocker (The Parents Guide to Climate Revolution – 100 Ways to build a Fossil-Free Future, Raise Empowered Kids, and Still get a good nights sleep). Mary’s book came from the realization that personal green living wasn’t going to be enough.  We need to get more civically involved in shaping our future. Mary will share ways for parents, grandparents, teachers, students – or anyone – to feel empowered in the fight for a livable planet and support youths demanding a Green New Deal. The workshop will include a presentation,  options for book purchase and author signing, and we’ll break into groups to discuss collaborations going forward.In Mary’s book (Table of Contents posted here), each chapter is followed by small, medium, large actions one can take.  The results are empowering! Sunday, October 20th, 3:30-5:30pm. at Sebastopol GrangeAppropriate for school-age youth and adults of all ages.The Workshop is FREE, but Pre-Registration is required. Reserve your space now!This workshop is part of the Sebastopol Carbon Conversations and Teach Climate SoCo network.
Zero Waste at the Farmer’s  Market Join us on October 20 in Sebastopol for a Zero Waste Farmers’ Market! Here is more information.

Also, a reminder to check out the Sonoma Climate Challenge, an app to make it easy and fun for households to reduce their climate impact while saving money and creating a safer and healthier future. Find cost-saving resources, tools and inspiration. Together, our small actions can have a big collective impact.  | Join the Challenge


The 350 Sonoma Team