350 Bay Area: Our Parent Organization

Action at the regional and state level

Join San Francisco Bay Area residents to build a grassroots movement for deep CO2 emission reductions. Read our Mission and Vision Statements. Join our grassroots team. Contact us at info@350bayarea.org.

  • The climate crisis is the biggest problem facing the world. Unchecked climate change means more natural disasters, more outbreaks of disease, more food shortages, and more sea level rise.
  • We need to make large-scale changes. The climate crisis is so big that we can’t solve it with small, personal actions alone. We need to think bigger and bolder.
  • Large-scale change means changing policy. We need laws that rewire the way the world produces and consumes energy so that clean power is cheap, dirty power is expensive, and people everywhere can live sustainable lives.
  • Getting strong climate policy won’t be easy. It means fighting the wealthiest and most powerful group on the planet: the fossil fuel industry.
  • We can win with a people-powered movement. We’ll never have as much money as the fossil fuel industry, so we need to overpower them with our numbers and our determination instead. From the Civil Rights movement to women’s suffrage, social movements have changed the course of history—so we’re building a movement of people to solve the biggest problem in the world.

To preserve our planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current level of 392 parts per million to below 350 ppm. But 350 is more than a number—it’s a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.