Daily Acts and the Russian River Watershed Association have co-created an educational campaign to encourage residents to help sequester carbon in their home landscapes: Carbon Gardens: A Dirt Simple Solution to Climate Change

The campaign is centered on a series of brief videos in both English and Spanish, which will be launched on social media and Daily Acts’ website, accompanied by additional resources and opportunities to receive incentives and prizes.

Check out their series of brief educational videos and related resources in both English and Spanish starting November 7th at dailyacts.org/carbongardens. Sonoma and Mendocino County residents who share their carbon gardening stories and photos with Daily Acts will receive a voucher for one free yard of organic compost, while supplies last, and be entered into a raffle for a bunch of exciting prizes!

Revisa su serie de videos breves educativos y los recursos relacionados a partir del 7 de noviembre en dailyacts.org/jardinesdecarbono. Los residentes de los condados de Sonoma y Mendocino que compartan a Daily Acts sus historias e imágenes de jardinería de carbono recibirán un cupón para una yarda de compost orgánico gratis, hasta agotar existencias, ¡y entrarán a una rifa para un montón de premios geniales!