Zero Waste Tips for COVID Era

How can you avoid single use shopping bags? Instead of using single-use paper or plastic bags at check-out, load your paid-for groceries back into your shopping cart.  When you wheel the cart to your car, transfer the items into the bags in your trunk.  Or-...

Santa Rosa Community Climate Action List

Summary and analysis by the Friends of the Climate Action Plan (FoCAP) team Since the fires of 2017, the city of Santa Rosa has emerged as a future-thinking, resilient, climate-smart community actively working  toward a vision of an equitable, people-centered future....

Actions for After the Climate Strike!

Take Action! 1. Register to vote.  In California citizens can pre-register to vote starting when they are 16 (and can vote in elections when 18 or older).    2. Ask CA Senator Diane Feinstein to support the Green New Deal Resolution in U.S. Congress.  Call her office:...